The Wars of the Sun King: Lace Wars Series - Volume I
Serious Historical Games
This is an expanded edition of the game that was first issued in Vae Victis in 2019. Below is what the designer Philippe Hardy has to say about the game:
"This the Deluxe and augmented version of “Les Guerres du Roi Soleil 1667-1713” (The Wars of the Sun King) published in 2019 by Cerigo Edition.
This the first opportunity to play, with a single set of rules, the five conflicts led by France under the reign of Louis XIV the Great and the great rebellion called “La fronde”.
La Fronde rebellion (1648-1653) – taking advantage of the weakness of royal power while Louis, the future Louis XIV, was still a minor, the parliament of Paris and the nobility revolted at different periods and to different degrees against the regency ensured by Anne of Austria (widow of Louis XIII) and Cardinal Mazarin, hated by all. This weakening of France is a boon for Spain, still at war with France, to recover territories (Catalonia, Roussillon, the North of France).
The War of Devolution (1667-1668) - Spain’s non-payment of the Infanta of Spain’s dowry at her marriage to Louis XIV was used as a pretext for a war of conquest. This was the first conflict initiated by Louis XIV against a militarily and economically weakened Spain.
The Franco-Dutch War (1672-1678) - France wants to bring the Dutch Republic to its knees. This fierce commercial competitor, too tolerant as a state, opposes France’s expansion toward the Spanish Netherlands. This war for glory pitches against each other living legends of the Thirty Years War like Turenne, Condé et Montecuccoli. As a result of this conflict, the King of France earns the nickname Louis the Great.
This is the game map along with some of the counters |
The War of the Reunions (1683-1684) - Spain does not accept the annexation by France of enclaves and surrounding areas in the Spanish Netherlands, stating their boundaries were poorly defined by the international treaties ending the War of Devolution and the Franco-Dutch War. Vauban recommends limiting the territorial enclaves, leaning against the mountainous area and securing the enclaves by constructing strongholds; it’s a matter of turf.
The War of the League of Augsburg (1688-1697) - The Habsburg’s victory against the Ottomans diverted the Empire’s attention on the French territorial gains following the War of the Reunions. In 1687, Louis XIV wanted to transform the Truce of Ratisbon into a permanent accord and send an ultimatum to the emperor who refused. The German princes and the great European powers form an alliance to counter France’s politics of expansionism and religious persecution. France finds itself diplomatically isolated.
The War of Spanish Succession (1701-1713) - King Charles II of Spain dies with no descendants. The two principal reigning families of Europe, the Bourbons (France) and the Habsburgs (Austria), are both related to Charles II and claim the throne. The principal stake is the domination of Europe by seizing the enormous heritage of the Spanish Habsburgs. France is confronted with its fiercest military enemies: Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy.
This is the back of the box |
Maximise your resource points to recruit armies, build strongholds, lead sieges and battles and win glory points.
Will you be able to vanquish Montecuccoli, Eugene of Savoy or Marlborough with Turenne, Condé, Villars and impose the Sun King’s will? Or Vauban will be the nemesis of all enemies ‘citadels?"
The game includes :
• One 59 x 85 cm MOUNTED (!) map
• 324 double-sided, pre-cut counters and markers
• A scenario booklet and a rulebook
• Many player aids
I never played the original. However, I am a self-professed ultra fan of the history of Louis XIV's wars. This is a game that has been needed for a long time.
You can order the game here:
This is the link to the website of Serious Historical Games: