2016: AWNT Year in review
Jason Rimmer
Top Five Games
1. Wings Over Flanders Fields UE
2. Combat Mission: Final Blitzkrieg
3. Graviteam Tactics: Muis Front
4. Warfighter WW2 by DVG Games
5. Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa with latest patch
My book of the year
Iron Cross Brigade by C Bauermeister and Jason Mark (eds.)
Worthy of mention..
'Till Trumpets Sound Again Vol 1 and Vol 2 by R Nicol
This year I discovered and fell in love with military LEGO and was extremely impressed with Thomas Gunns miniatures. I also made some great new friends running this blog!
Also my top five are in no particular order:)
Looking forward to next year, we already have lots of new games lined up for review when released and I hope the blog continues to grow:)
Happy New Year to you all!
Robert Peterson
Top Five Games
Old School Tactical (Flying Pig Games)
Decisive Campaigns Barbarossa (Matrix/Slitherine)
Panzer Battles Kursk/Normandy (Wargame Design Studio)
Gary Grigsby's War in the West (Matrix/Slitherine)
Thirty Years War (Ageod)
My book of the year
Sulla (by Lynda Telford)
Operation Barbarossa
Worthy of mention..
I was extremely lucky this year in that it was very hard to pick between the games and books I played and read this year. Thank you Jason, and all of our readers for making this a splendid year.
Mike Wall
Top Five Games
Scythe designer Jamey Stegmaier [pub. Stonemaier Games]
Hands In The Sea designer Daniel Berger [pub. Knight Works]
Mare Nostrum:Empires designer Serge Laget [pub Academy Games]
Deadzone 2nd Ed. designer Jale Thornton [pub. Mantic Games]
Terraforming Mars designer Jacob Fryxelius [pub. FryxGames]
My book of the year
Operation Sealion by Leo McKinstry
[Rather Be The Devil by Ian Rankin - if we're stepping outside war.]
Worthy of mention..
Fief 1429 [if only it had been published a year later!]
Brilliant year for what's been published and starting to review for AWNT. One great game after another. Wading my way through piles of crime fiction too and seeing Ian Rankin talking about his latest Rebus novel!
Have a great Christmas and keep your eyes peeled for lots more games and lots more reviews in the New Year!
Marc Hanna
Top Five Games
Europa Universalis IV (Paradox Interactive)
Panzer Corps Gold (publisher - Slitherine)
Axis Empires / Dai Senso board game (update playtest ongoing) - Decision Games
Advanced Squad Leader board game series (new modules 2016) - MMP and other third party publishers
Drive on Moscow (Shenandoah Studios) -- reviewed
My book of the year
Hitler's Arctic War: The German Campaigns in Norway, Finland and the USSR 1940-1945 by Chris Mann and Christer Jorgensen -- review pending.
Worthy of mention..
PC game: Tigers on the Hunt (publisher Matrix Games) -- review pending.
Board game: Runewars (publisher FFG). Simply one of the best game designs of the Century.
Book: 21 Days in Normandy: Maj. Gen. George Kitching and the 4th Canadian Armoured Division by Angelo Caravaggio -- review pending.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
Joe Beard
Top Five Games
1. Squad
2. Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caeser
3. Total War: Warhammer
4. Order of Battle:WW2
5. Overwatch
My book of the year
Way of Kings by B Sanderson
Worthy of mention..
Command Modern Air\Naval Operations. For the continued support and dvelopment of the game, and the dozens of community created scenarios. I only wish I had time to play them all.
Editors Note: Please excuse the grey and black text when it should be all black. Blogger can be a real pain at times, when we look at this article in blogger to edit it it all looks black! See you all next year!
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