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Thursday, May 25, 2017
Images Of War: Allied Tanks Of The Second World War by Michael Green Light, medium, and heavy tanks, ...
Images Of War Allied Tanks Of The Second World War by Michael green

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Allied Tanks
Images Of War Allied Tanks Of The Second World War by Michael green
Light, medium, and heavy tanks, and everything in between. The book is setup this way:
Light Tanks
Early-War Medium Tanks
Late-war Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
The chapters start up with a write up on the different Allied nations tanks of that class. The rest of each chapter is full of pictures of almost every make and model allied tank. A lot of the pictures were taken of surviving examples of these tanks at museums. The bad thing is that at least two of these museums have closed down. There are also plenty of actual wartime photographs.
The photos show the progression of science and technology from the prewar to the late-war tanks. Included are pictures of some of the armament of the tanks along with ammunition. There are a few photos of the inside crew positions of the tanks.
The T-34 and Sherman and their variant photos and write-ups take up a lot of the book. Being the most produced tanks of World war II, this stands to reason.
Once again this is a great book for tank modelers. It is also a good 'starter book' for someone who doesn't know much about the Allied armor in World war II, but wants to learn.
Author: Michael Green
Publisher: Pen and Sword
Distributor: Casemate publishers
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