The Hunted
Twilight of the U-Boats 1943-45
GMT Games
The German U-boats experienced two 'Happy Times' in World War II. The first was right after the fall of France in 1940 and lasting into 1941. This took place in the North Sea and North Atlantic. The second Happy Time was directly after the the entry of the U.S.A. into the war. This took place on the east coast of North America. In the second Happy Time, 609 Allied ships were sunk to only 22 U-boats. Roughly one quarter of all Allied shipping sunk in World War II occurred then. However, those are featured in the first game of the series by GMT Games 'The Hunters'. This is the story of 1943-1945, and it is a totally different tale. In 'Black May' of 1943, 118 U-boats were at sea. The German Navy lost 41 of them in May 1943. The amount of Allied shipping losses continued to fall even before then. German Admiral Dönitz ordered a temporary halt to the U-boat offensive in order to come up with some ideas to stem the tide against his U-boats. This game is a solitaire simulation of U-boat warfare in the last years of the war. As with most of the German 'wünderwaffe' (wonder weapon), the weapons that were being developed for the U-boats came too little and too late.
As mentioned, this is the second game in the series. I will have a link below to my review of the first game: 'The Hunters'. The series has actually been expanded to include the Italian Submarines in the newest iteration called 'Beneath the Med'. There is actually a fourth title in the series 'Silent Victory', where you play as an American submarine Captain against the Japanese. This is what comes with the game:
One ½” full-color counter sheet
One ¾” wide full-color counter sheet
Rules booklet with designer's notes
Five player aid cards, 2-sided
Six U-Boat Display Mats, 2-sided
Two U-Boat Patrol Maps, 2-sided
U-Boat Combat Mat
Eight U-Boat Kommandant Cards
U-Boat patrol logsheet
Three 6-sided, two 10-sided dice, and one 20-sided die
These are the areas of the world's Oceans that you can patrol in:
Brazilian Coast
British Isles
Indian Ocean
Invasion (Atlantic)
North America
West African Coast
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