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New England Air Museum Pictures  This is just a bunch of photos I took today including a pic of yours truly.  I actually go...

New England Air Museum Pictures New England Air Museum Pictures

For your Wargamer, Toy soldier collector, MiniFig collector, military history nut. Reviews, interviews, Model Making, AARs and books!

New England Air Museum Pictures

 This is just a bunch of photos I took today including a pic of yours truly.

 I actually got to sit in the P-47s cockpit.

 They also have a large beautifully worked collection of models.

In the rear is a Japanese gunnery training device

Gnome Engine

The star of the museum a fully restored B-29

 The cockpit of the P-47 was as roomy as I have read, but my head was sticking out and the canopy would never have closed even if the seat was as low as it could go.

Tokyo 42 is a quirky little game, from SMAC Games and Mode 7, that drops you into a colorful futuristic world and tells you to start mur...

Tokyo 42 Review Tokyo 42 Review

For your Wargamer, Toy soldier collector, MiniFig collector, military history nut. Reviews, interviews, Model Making, AARs and books!

Tokyo 42 is a quirky little game, from SMAC Games and Mode 7, that drops you into a colorful futuristic world and tells you to start murdering others for fun and profit. You can leave any moral qualms about that behind, since everyone in this world is taking a wonder drug that allows them to be brought back to life almost immediately. This is fortunate for you character as well, since you will die...a lot.  The developers of Tokyo 42 describe it as "the lovechild of Syndicate and GTA 1" which I would agree with. I thought it had a strong Hotline Miami vibe as well.

The game sets you loose in an open world city where you can search for various terminals and characters offering assassination missions. There are 100 missions to complete, as well as dozens of collectibles scattered around the world, so expect to spend a good long time in this world if you are planning on doing everything. Most of the missions boil down to killing people, but in many cases there is some kind of twist to the action, or an interesting context for your extra-judicial murder sprees. As you complete these missions you will earn money and reputation, which lets you buy new gear and open up more missions, respectively. There is a story that ties this all together, but I won't spoil it, since it's interesting enough to enjoy as you go along. 

Visually, the game is very appealing. While the graphics are fairly simple in technical terms, the aesthetic is wonderful. The city is full of colorful buildings, peaceful natural areas, and strongly contrasting industrial areas. The game can be almost surreal at times, as you trot through the Utopian vistas, gunning down enemies while catching more than a few innocent civilians in your crossfire. The map world is quite large and it will take you some time to explore it all. There are waypoints scattered around the map which you can instantly teleport to once you activate them, so you won't have to be making long treks too often. The map is also covered in save points, one of which you can have active at a time. Usually there is one right next to where a mission starts, so if you die you can just tap a key and try again instantly.

The gunplay in Tokyo 42 is not perfect, but it is generally fun. You simply move the mouse where you want to fire, and a line will show if you have line of sight to that spot or not. Where this becomes less than perfect is when you are in a very vertical combat space. This is a bit of a double-edged sword for the game. It's very cool to have a shootout on some stairs on the side of a building, but it is less cool to think you are aiming at one spot, only to find you weren't quite aiming where you thought. With some practice this gets better, but you will have the occasional shot that will simply not go where you wanted it to go. The other hurdle here is dealing with the camera. On PC the Q and E keys are used to rotate the camera around, with 8 possible positions. This can be tricky in combat when you also need to be using WASD to move. You can also sometimes find your view completely blocked by a building. I suspect it works much faster and better with a controller. 

Mechanical issues aside, the combat is enjoyable. One hit kills are the rule for yourself and most enemies, so you have to smart as well as quick. Ducking behind cover and sneaking to a new location is often the better choice than charging ahead guns blazing. Speaking of guns, there are several classic options available. Pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, grenades, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, and even a katana make up your arsenal. Several variants of each weapon can be purchased, letting you customize your play style. Enemies come equipped with these different weapons as well, so you have to stay on your toes. Bullets from the various weapons travel at different speeds, so you need to time your shots with that in mind. You also need to keep that in mind for dodging all the enemy fire coming your way. You won't always be able to stay in cover, forcing you to dodge and aim at the same time to stay alive. Remember, one hit and you're dead. Fortunately, there are often checkpoints throughout the longer missions, so you don't always have to start all the way back at the beginning.

The open world nature of the game lets you approach many of the missions in a manner of your choosing. You can find a perch on a nearby building to snipe from, or sneak in and take foes out one by one with melee attacks. A couple grenades and a burst of machine gun fire can work wonders as well. Sometimes a mission will give you a specific condition for victory, such as killing in the target in a certain way. This can add a little extra challenge if it forces you out of your normal approach. There are also missions that put you in a more unique situation. A couple of memorable ones had me taking super long range sniper shots in one case, and killing enemy gangs while riding a motorcycle in the other. Needless to say, there is a ton of variety here. 

As I mentioned before, the open world contains numerous collectibles to be, err, collected. There are various skins and bonuses to be found in some tough to reach spots. A bit of puzzle solving and platforming ability will be needed to get them all. The world is also filled with fun little easter egg type moments to discover. The world between missions can also be hostile at times, especially as you proceed in the story and become the target of assassins yourself.

The game has a multiplayer mode which sounded like a lot of fun, but unfortunately I was not able to find an active match. It puts you into the open world where you can pretend to be a civilian, strolling around and gathering arms, then unleashing when you think you've found another player. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun even with just a friend or two.

Overall, I found Tokyo 42 to be a fun little assassination adventure. It isn't a must buy, but if you do like it, it will keep you entertained for a good long while. It's a very easy game to jump into and do a few missions if you don't have time for a longer game session. The action is solid, minus the occasional camera issue, the visuals are wonderful to look at even after hours of playing, and there are quite a few funny moments to discover, making this a charming game to just sit back and enjoy. 

Official Website:
Tokyo 42 is available on Steam and XBOX One (and PS4 in the near future)

- Joe Beard

URBAN OPERATIONS from Nuts Publishing Tactical level modern urban warfare!  This is not the first foray in to this territory...


For your Wargamer, Toy soldier collector, MiniFig collector, military history nut. Reviews, interviews, Model Making, AARs and books!



Nuts Publishing

Tactical level modern urban warfare!  This is not the first foray in to this territory by the designer,  Sebastien de Peyret.  The first was notable for being a solitaire offering.  A Week In Hell: The Battle of Hue [2010] was the game in the second issue of Battles magazine, a magazine noted for its in-depth quality reviews.  Though the insert games have varied in their success, for me A Week In Hell was one of the real successes both in its system and its graphics quality. 

Nor is Urban Operations Nuts Publishing's first modern tactical urban game either, as a year after A Week In Hell appeared, Phantom Fury [2011] came on the scene.   This fully fledged boxed production which brought us forward to the battle of Fallujah in November 2004 shone again for its quality art and, I believe, another fascinating system for examining modern tactical warfare.  I say believe, because, unfortunately, I failed to secure a copy while it was still in print, but all that I've read and watched since about the game convince me that it should have been in my collection.

So, what does Urban Operations hold in store.  Well, first of all,  this new game designed by Sebastien de Peyret is simply overwhelmingly impressive in quality and quantity.  For the company, the leap from Phantom Fury to this is indeed a quantum one.  From a very attractive, but folio sized map, typical cardboard units and markers, one player aid and one rule book to ... 2 full size [72cm x 54cm] double-sided maps, with a slim river map [72cm x13cm] to join the maps together for some scenarios,  a small map with a series of bunker tunnels on one side and a sewer system on the other.  Innovative terrain elements integrate familiar hex movement with irregular shaped interiors of buildings, roof tops and the ability in some cases to leap from one to the next.  All giving the appearance of looking down from on high at this 3D seeming panorama spread below ...

... wooden blocks  and stickers to produce 156 units for the sort of fog of war familiar in so many Columbia games.  The components list for the game indicates 160 blocks.  My copy contained exactly 156 blocks, so no spares.   I know many companies like to add in a few extra blocks in case of irregularities in production.  All I can say is that every single block was in perfect shape, so no problems.

In addition, there are also four wooden cylinders for use on the map, so perhaps that's where the figure of 160 comes from. 

The adhesive sheets of stickers for your blocks

... 2 sheets of thick counters providing 199 markers.  These are the fine rounded-corner type that press out and don't have any little tags or need clipping.  [If you've read my previous review, you'll know that at times I've found clipping a few hundred counters quite therapeutic, but I confess I really am getting spoilt and starting to enjoy the ability to just press out a counter and there it is ready in all its perfection!]  

... decks of cards [144 in all] that are some of the best I've seen.  These range from cards for Event play in specific scenarios to the essential unit stats cards.

A typical unit stats card

... three Scenario booklets, one for Fulda 1985 [how that takes me back to early SPI days], one for Mogadishu and one for 4 battles scattered across the globe and modern history from Chechyna to where but Fallujah!  In all 16 scenarios and two of the booklets allow Campaign games to be played out linking scenarios together.

... linked to the Scenarios are 16 double-sided Scenario displays which give you all the set-up details and reinforcements for your troops, including a picture of each block and the Impulse Force that it belongs to.  An excellent touch is that when your infantry mount vehicles, you simply take the relevant infantry block from the map and place it on the depiction of the transport block on your display card.  Safe to say that like every other item in this game, the layout, use of colour and graphical quality is excellent.

The Scenario Display card for the opening scenario in the Mogadishu booklet.

... and as always a magnificent rule book.  It's a weighty 36 pages, plus 4 pages entitled "Urban Operations in a Nutshell".  The fact that this summary takes up four pages is a significant fact.  Store that detail away for future reference.  

So, far every item and aspect of this product was a stunning revelation.  On the physical side only the box containing the game could benefit from one thing - greater solidity.  Visually, like all else, it looks highly attractive and very similar -slightly shallower -  to the boxes for the Command & Colours series, but it lacks their all important thickness and rigidity for coping with a substantial weight of wooden blocks.

Be warned, a hand on each side of the box, preferably with fingers supporting under the box are advisable.  Do not try to pick it up single-handle by one corner and definitely DO Not store heavy games on top of the box.  All with have a rapidly down-hill deleterious effect.  You have been warned.

So far, I have nothing but admiration and praise for this game.  It looks fantastic and offers a stunning array of contents.  Now comes crunch time and the rule book.  Visually, it mirrors all that has gone before.  It's rich, resplendent and full of depth and detail.  BUT and it is a big but!  The guide on the box rates this at three and a half out of ten.  In other words low complexity to very light medium at the most.  The implication is light easily understood rules and fairly simple game play.  From my own experience, a rating of eight would seem or more accurate assessment and all the posts that I'm reading on the internet would seem to confirm that.

There is a depth of rules and detail that I would suggest moves this well into the high category.  To be honest, personally I welcome this level of detail.  Having tried Worthington's Boots On The Ground which covers virtually identical ground, I was disappointed both by the lack of depth and blandness of the game play.

First of all there is the range of units to consider from the customary infantry, tanks, armoured and un-armoured vehicles to support and logistics units.  The latter two form an important chain.  Support units can use the limited support [2 steps worth]carried by each platoon to help units who've lost steps in combat to recover them, while logistics units carry their own store of support that the support units can in turn go to replenish their meagre supply.  All this involves manoeuvring units in to adjacency; no simple rules here for a set number of supply points that can be used at the end of each turn to build up lost steps.

An example of a unit's stats card.
Indeed, it is probably the fact that the game's units come in the form of blocks that provokes assumptions that this ought to be an easy game to play.  After all, such games traditionally have only about 12 pages of rules.  Apart from that, combat with blocks has always tended to mean the number of steps on a block is the number of dice to roll and hits are typically on 6 or 5 & 6 depending on type of unit firing  and type of unit defending.  If that's what you were expecting, you're going to have to drastically revise those expectations.  

To show what I mean I'm going to look in some detail at Combat. This is one of the most complex elements in this game.  The steps on the blocks [all have three steps] merely indicate the operational state of the unit.  3 steps fully operational, 2 steps operational and 1 step poorly operational!   For combat you have to go to the unit type's stats card which shows the weapons that the unit possesses, the range of each weapon, the fire power at different ranges and on top of all that a wholly new concept Effect Points [hereafter abbreviated to EP] and a weapon's Area of Effect.

The T-72's stats card in its entirety

Focus for the moment on just its main armament:
the 125 mm gun
Just take a typical unit card for a Russian main battle tank the T-72 [cf. Rules of Play P9]. It has two weapons' systems: machine guns and its main 125mm gun.  I'll simply use the main gun as an example.  Each box indicates a range increment in Effect Points: the first box is always 1 EP [i.e. adjacency, the second box is 2-5 EPs and each subsequent box is 5 more EPs of range].  So, the main gun fires out to a range of 20 EPS with, you'll notice, a strength of 8 if the target is within the range 11-20. 

So, we've located our target, it's in LOS and falls in the correct range. Next the target block may do one of three things [a] withdraw, compulsory under certain circumstances [b] fire back [c] have an eligible friendly unit give covering fire.  If either of the last two choices are made that's when you get into using the numbers, looking up modifiers and rolling dice!  Not too difficult and I like some of the details, especially the die roll by each player that determines who gets a +1 bonus, but may also produce a critical hit that can go all the way to destruction!

Use the Play Aid to help guide you through mastering Combat

However, this individual combat isn't over yet.  Look back at the stats card and you'll also notice the strange red stripe symbols beneath certain range boxes.  At these ranges there is residual EP -  a single red stripe indicates a radius of 1 EP, two stripes indicates a radius of 2 EPs.  Any blocks or Population counters that lie within those residual EP ranges will also be affected and to find what that effect may be you'll need to look up a separate chart on P24 of the rule book.  A series of symbols will tell you the type of unit that can be affected and the colour of the symbol will tell you whether it is only friendly blocks that can be affected or both friendly and enemy blocks.

The final coup de grace for some might be that range isn't even counted in a simple ratio of 1 EP equals 1 hex, but needs a separate table as some terrain costs more than 1 EP to see through!  But for once don't despair.  All is not lost as, in reality, this table is a very simple: nearly all costs associated with walls, apertures and breaches are 2EPs, while other costs are 1EP.  Similarly, the Movement Cost table is far simpler than most games that include infantry and a range of different types of vehicle.  

The spread of excellent Scenario cards

I've detailed this largely because I think it will most strikingly and clearly reveal whether this game is for you.  If you were expecting a block game like Columbia's EuroFront series, then I expect not.  If you want something much meatier keep reading.  There is a considerable amount to take in.  How you approach this depends on whether you want to be totally overwhelmed or survive the experience to come through to achieve an understanding and real enjoyment.  

I strongly believe that the programmed method introduced to the wargaming world many years ago in the revered Squad Leader would have greatly benefited Urban Operations.  As it is, the rule book can be a daunting and intimidating prospect.  Never mind the breadth of ideas, the innovative nature of many of them adds to the task.  My advice is skim the rules to get an overall impression and then create your own programmed learning path.  Start with a simple scenario with low unit density and only infantry [Lead The Way, the first scenario in the Mogadishu Scenario book, is perfect - its title almost seems to be ironically shouting out "Hey this is the one to get started with!"]

This will introduce you to basic movement and firing/assault, while gaining familiarity with the blend of hexes and room areas and some of the issues of LOS.  This is better handled than in many games, though not without its uncertainties.  However, considering the issues of dealing with buildings, rooftops, apertures and breaches, much here is clean and well dealt with.  It will also introduce you to Population counters, again a relatively new element to contend with in gaming terms and how to use Support unit blocks.

The two double-sided, full size maps -
one typical of the Western world,
the other of the Middle East
Keeping to the Scenarios in this Scenario book turns out to be a very logical step.  The next Scenario, Alone In The Mog, adds nothing new and so on to Tiger Trap which primarily introduces armoured personnel carriers for your infantry and so rules on mounting and dismounting.  A single Logistics block and Command Post block add a little extra.

The scenario. Cavalry, extends your knowledge by one Anti-tank block [and an Engineer block if and when you move on to playing the Campaign game].  The fourth scenario, Good Morning, Lenin, has a single Sniper and in the very last scenario, Checkpoint Pasta, we are finally confronted by two Tank blocks and a Joint Fire block.
At last two Main Battle Tanks

Taken in this manner, a potentially steep learning curve starts to look a little more like starting on the nursery slopes until eventually tackling the dangers of off-piste skiing.  To continue the analogy, there will be plenty of falls along the way.

My first and a totally simple, practical one illustrates my point only too well.  Having neatly bagged up all my blocks, carefully labeling each bag with the relevant infantry platoon, tank platoon, escort platoon and so on, I discovered that each Scenario creates Impulse Forces [that operate together when activated] built up from units drawn from different platoons. 

So, now before I play a Scenario for the first time, I record which platoon bags I have to draw units from.  That way the next time the scenario is played I can quickly locate the right units and also quickly return them to the right bag at the end of the game.

However, the main spills and falls come from a lack of clarity and precision particularly where the rules are innovative. The game is already throwing up a fairly high rate of queries and uncertainties about rule meaning and interpretations.  [At times, this can come down to something as simple as uncertainty about unit set up in the Scenario I've recommended to start play with.]
The Scenario Booklet four the four individual scenarios

By all means use the questions and answers on forums like Boardgamegeek, but only when you absolutely need to.  Far too many people in the gaming world seem to want to throw up endless questions when they clearly have done nothing except READ the rules and have made no attempt to play a game.  Time and time again, you'll find that what appears difficult on the page starts to make sense as you play the game. Otherwise, you'll doom yourself to rules indigestion and potential abandonment of the system.

Sorry, I'll put my soap-box away, but I'm only too aware of how many people have been put off buying games in the past by too much questioning of rules in the abstract without getting down and trying to play the game.

To further round out the impression of this game, I'd also like to list just a few of the many successful aspects of Urban Operations.  So, in no particular order ... An easy, more realistic and concrete handling of "supply" through Supply and Logistics units on the map needing to move into contact.  Activation by platoon with a simple chain of command that affects the number of units within a platoon that may be activated.  The concept of three operational levels that diminish as you take hits, along with elite, veteran and recruit status that can mitigate or intensify the effect of hits.  

The explanation of LOS generally, but especially the handling of fire from apertures [mainly doors and windows] with unobtrusive map markings that avoid ambiguity .  The system for mounting and dismounting from vehicles, with straightforward marking by symbols on the stats cards of a transported unit's weight and a vehicle's capacity. 

The procedure for what are called 3D actions [e.g. helicopter reconnaissance, drones, mortar/artillery fire etc]which is dealt with through the use of Support cards - more interesting and visual than simple Air points, more abstract than actual units on the map, but a good comprise for an area that can be difficult [need I mention Advanced Squad Leader here!] 

Finally, Combat.  I know I've pointed out the complexities, but the eventual outcomes and the fact that the target has three possible options of response and the introduction of collateral damage through the idea of Weapon's Effect make it well worthwhile getting to grips with.

So, in respect of the rules, it is not a perfect product and I'd strongly recommend it first and foremost to experienced board wargame players .  Refer to the relevant section of the four pages of "Urban Operations In A Nutshell" when needed as you learn a rule to support your learning. But by going slowly and getting a firm grasp yourself, you will be able to introduce the concepts to others and, finally, the Scenario Fallujah will allow you to embrace this game solo.

Take the time, make the effort.  Despite the problems I've aired,  I genuinely think that this is currently the best modern tactical system for predominantly ground based urban operations.  Its scope is challenging and rewarding.  In my collection, a definite keeper.

Price 75 Euros

Three Wings For The Red Baron  Von Richtofen, Strategy, And Airplanes by Leon Bennett  The book starts on Ap...

Three Wings For The Red Baron Von Richtofen, Strategy, And Airplanes By Leon Bennett Three Wings For The Red Baron Von Richtofen, Strategy, And Airplanes By Leon Bennett

For your Wargamer, Toy soldier collector, MiniFig collector, military history nut. Reviews, interviews, Model Making, AARs and books!


 The book starts on April 21,1918, the day the Red Baron died. The only thing we are certain of on that day is Von Richtofen's death. The claims of who shot him down have been argued over for ninety-nine years. The author goes through all of the plausible, and some not so plausible, scenarios. Mr. Bennett does not come down firmly on any side, but leaves it to the reader to pick which scenario fits the actual known facts.

 The next chapter 'MIT and the triplane' shows us the results of testing in MIT's wind tunnel released in 1916. The results show the triplane as a loser to both a monoplane and biplane in everything except  when the planes near stall speed. In this the triplane is the clear winner.
 The book's whole premise is to find out why Germany, and specifically Von Richtofen, wanted a German triplane. I will say that the book leans heavily in parts on engineering examples and illustrations. This is not a knock on the book. I just want the reader to understand that the book isn't just a prose rundown of how and why the Fokker triplane was built. The book has pictures and diagrams on almost every page to explain to the reader how and why World War I engineers came up with the designs they did. One of the biggest take aways from the book is the fact that engineers across the world were well aware of all of the flaws of their designs, but due to material and lack of horsepower they did the best with what they had. 

 The book has these chapters:

Richtofen's Death
Roe And The Triplane
Curtiss And The Triplane
Spad And The Triplane
Sopwith And The Triplane
Richtofen Campaigns For A Triplane
The Disappointing Albatross D5A
Strategy: Trenchard vs Richtofen
Gunnery, Tactics, And The Triplane
Maneuverability And The Triplane
Combat Introduction And Engine Problems
Wings, Horns, And Death
The Bottom Line

  The author shows that the triplane was a slow aircraft compared to its rivals. Wait a minute, in the air isn't speed everything? Mr. Bennett goes on to show how the German strategic and tactical thinking made the triplane a great choice. They chose to fight a defensive war. Another startling fact is how many airplanes the Allies actually built. The difference between the two sides is staggering. When put in that context, it is no wonder that all the Germans could do was to fight a defensive airwar. 

 There is so much to the book I could write for hours and not do it justice. This book is meant for anyone with an interest in the  World War I airwar. 

1754 Conquest by Academy Games  1754 saw the start of the last war between France and England for the control of th...

1754 Conquest by Academy Games 1754 Conquest by Academy Games

For your Wargamer, Toy soldier collector, MiniFig collector, military history nut. Reviews, interviews, Model Making, AARs and books!


 1754 saw the start of the last war between France and England for the control of the North American continent. It was the fourth of their colonial wars. The first three were:

King William's War 1688-1697
Queen Anne's War 1702-1713
King George's War  1744-1748

 This war, The French And Indian War, was going to be a fight to the finish to see who would finally gain control of the eastern part of the continent. At fist glance, it didn't seem to be much of a contest. The English Colonies had a population of 1 million, and New France had a population of about 50,000. For the first years of the war, the French won a string of victories. In the end, the sheer might of the British won the war.

 The game '1754 Conquest' wins the prize for the shortest rulebook I have ever seen. In total, it is eleven pages long, with four of them being a 'Historical review' of the war.

 The game is played with two to four players. The sides are:

French Canadians
French Regulars
British Colonials
British Regulars

 The game is played for three to eight rounds, and each round has five turns to it.Starting on round three the players start to check for 'Game end Conditions'. This is the same as 'sudden death' or something similar in other games.

 The turn sequence is:

1. Reinforcement Phase
2. Movement Phase
3. Battle Phase
4. Draw Cards Phase

 The game has one rule that really helps to duplicate the 'Fog Of War'. When rolling your die for a battle you can get a 'Command' roll on the die. At that time, the rolling player can use that 'Command' result to move their units into any adjacent areas, even ones that are already scheduled for battle. So say you have two adjacent areas. In one, both you and your opponent each have three units and in the adjacent area you both have one unit. If you get a 'command' roll you can, if you want, then move one of your units to the other area. Then you will have a 2:1 advantage in that area. I think it is a novel rule to help keep the players on their toes even though at the start of the battle round you can see everyone's units.

 The cards for the game add flavor and many various strategies. One of the strongest cards the 'British Regular' player can use is the 'William Johnson' card. He was the British Crown's ambassador to the First Nations. His influence among the Iroquois was immense. Joseph Brant's sister Molly Brant was his consort. When using this card for the entire turn, all Natives allied to the French become allied units to the 'British Regular' side.

 Speaking of them, the First Nations become an ally of whichever side, British of French, that place a unit in that First Nations territory. If the French or British move all of their pieces out of a First Nations territory that First Nation reverts to becoming independent, essentially neutral.

 The map is well done and mounted. The actual forces of both sides are small colored plastic squares. The cards, dice, and actual counters are of good quality, with the writing on them large enough for even me to read them.

 The game itself is on the lower end of the complexity scale. The setup is straight forward and the rules and game play are fast and deadly. This is a great game for two to four players that do not have much space or a very long time to play.  I believe it would be a perfect game to use as a conduit from a game like 'Risk' to introduce budding generals to the wargaming community.  Several of the Academy Games have been used by teachers to try and make history more hands on for their pupils.  
