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      GGWITW coming to Steam 3rd August !!   We are pleased to announce that one of the most acclaimed wargames on the Western ...

GGWITW coming to Steam!! GGWITW coming to Steam!!

GGWITW coming to Steam!!

GGWITW coming to Steam!!

We are pleased to announce that one of the most acclaimed wargames on the Western Front of World War II, Gary Grigsby's War in the West, is going to be released on Steam on August the 3rd!

Starting with the Summer 1943 invasions of Sicily and Italy and proceeding through the invasion of France and the drive into Germany, War in the West brings you all the Allied campaigns in Western Europe and the capability to re-fight the Western Front according to your plan.

On August the 3rd you will also be able to purchase the expansion "Operation Torch", that introduces 10 new challenging scenarios, including both historical and what-if operations like the "Battle for Tunisia", the "Operation Dragoon" and the "Breach of the Gothic Line".

1 comment :

  1. Great, also for the ones who already bought it, we'll have a steam key, acording to them.
