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Field of Glory II by Slitherine and Byzantine Games Beta screenshots  These are just some screenshots from the game which i...

Field of Glory II by Slitherine and Byzantine Games Field of Glory II by Slitherine and Byzantine Games

Field of Glory II by Slitherine and Byzantine Games

Field of Glory II by Slitherine and Byzantine Games

Field of Glory II by Slitherine and Byzantine Games

Beta screenshots

 These are just some screenshots from the game which is due out on October 12th. They are various shots of units from the battle of Pydna (Rome vs Macedonians), and Chaironeia (Rome vs Mithridates). These are all beta shots so there might be some changes before the game is out. I will show some game play shots next. Ancient fans get your credit cards ready.

The list of campaigns

The list of Epic (historical) battles that come with the game