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First Look at the Upcoming 'Fire and Rubble' the First Module for  Combat Mission Red Thunder  Th...

First Look at the Upcoming 'Fire and Rubble' the First Module for Combat Mission Red Thunder First Look at the Upcoming 'Fire and Rubble' the First Module for Combat Mission Red Thunder

First Look at the Upcoming 'Fire and Rubble' the First Module for Combat Mission Red Thunder

First Look at the Upcoming 'Fire and Rubble' the First Module for Combat Mission Red Thunder

First Look at the Upcoming 'Fire and Rubble' the First Module for 

Combat Mission Red Thunder

 This is just a quick sneak peek at some screenshots of what Battlefront has been hard at work on. It is called 'Fire and Rubble', the first module for their Red Thunder game. Red Thunder is one of my favorite of the Combat Mission stable of games, and I am very happy to see that it is finally getting some love. So without further ado, here are the screens, and at the bottom will be some links for Battlefront games. 

 It is looking good, and please Battlefront keep your excellent games and modules coming!

Combat Mission Red Thunder:

My review of the 'Rome To Victory' module for Fortress Italy:

My review of 'Shock Force 2':


1 comment :

  1. I think they released to many core games which has spread them to thin. I'd rather have seen one maybe two core games out and be completed before moving onto another theater\War. Normandy with all it's modules is my favourite because it feels complete. The game engine is going to be so old by the time East Front is totally covered. It's already looking it's age compared to say Graviteam Tactics. I'd happily buy an animation expansion which improved and added more varied soldier animations. Still a superb series of games.
