Scenario 1 - First Attempt : France - 29th September 1914
Scenario 12 - End of the Fokker Scourge - France - 19th July 1914
Jasta 37 - Flight Op - Mission 1 - 28th December 1917
Warbirds: Canvas Falcons is superb print and play, WWI tactical air warfare, game really deserves a full boxed version. The designer...
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A Wargamers Needful Things is a one stop blog for Wargamers, Military Minifig collectors, Toy Soldier collectors and military history obsessives. We will do our upmost to cover in depth as much as possible. We shall be reviewing books, miniatures\toy soldiers, MiniFigs and of course games, plus interviews, model making and AARs! Quote from a reader.. "Your site is a much needed breath of fresh air, I absolutely love the spectrum of things you cover/review. Keep up the great work. "
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