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Warbirds: Canvas Falcons is superb print and play, WWI tactical air warfare, game really deserves a full boxed version. The designer...

Warbirds: Canvas Falcons AAR's Warbirds: Canvas Falcons AAR's

Warbirds: Canvas Falcons AAR's

Warbirds: Canvas Falcons AAR's

Warbirds: Canvas Falcons is superb print and play, WWI tactical air warfare, game really deserves a full boxed version. The designer spent over ten years creating it, and it shows.  Please take a look at the AAR's to see what we mean.

He is currently working on the WWII module and is also looking for someone to develop a digital version, preferably on the PC, with AI and using the PC to enhance the game all around. There still is a definite gap in the market for a developer/publisher to focus on conversions and use the power of the PC to enhance them (not change them though). For instance, add squadron management and some RPG elements to this particular game.

Scenario 1 - First Attempt : France - 29th September 1914

Scenario 12 - End of the Fokker Scourge - France - 19th July 1914
  1. Turns 1 and 2
  2. Turns 3 and 4
  3. Turns 5 and 6
  4. Turns 7 and 8
  5. Turns 11 and 12
Jasta 37 - Flight Op - Mission 1 - 28th December 1917

Scenario 41 - Hohn's Rampage - France - 20th April 1918
  1. Part 2
  2. Part 3
  3. part 4