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Episode 2 of the podcast is up! This episode features a review of the movie Dunkirk, a look at what's been posted here on AWNT in t...

Skirmish Line Podcast - Episode 2 Skirmish Line Podcast - Episode 2

Skirmish Line Podcast - Episode 2

Skirmish Line Podcast - Episode 2

Episode 2 of the podcast is up! This episode features a review of the movie Dunkirk, a look at what's been posted here on AWNT in the last few weeks, first impressions of Tokyo 42 and Space Tyrant, and finally a review of Legacy of the Weirdboy, the first DLC for Sanctus Reach. I hope you enjoy listening, and I am still very much open to feedback and suggestions. Thanks!

Joe Beard


  1. Can we please have a direct download link for the mp3? That SoundCloud site is a real pain especially on Android. ta.

    1. I will look into adding that as an option. I only have an iPhone, and it seemed to work okay on there. Thanks for letting me know there is an issue!

  2. Works well on Windows 10.
