Inferno: Guelphs and Ghibellines Vie for Tuscany 1259-1261
GMT Games
Most people would equate the name Hohenzollern with the German Empire. These were parvenus to the Emperors of the Hohenstaufen dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire. Two Emperors from this line were named Frederick. The first was Frederick I Barbarossa (red beard), the second Frederick II was nicknamed 'Stupor Mundi' (the wonder of the world). Both had problems with the Italian city states and the different Popes. Since Pope Leo III crowned and invested Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor in 800 there had been a power struggle between the Popes and Emperors. The citizens of the Italian states were divided over their allegiance to Pope or Emperor. The Ghibellines stood behind the Emperors, and the Guelphs stood behind the Pope. This of course is a oversimplification of the rivalry and fighting for power between the Italian families and states.
On the back of the box is a quote from Dante Alighieri's Inferno: "You thirsted for blood now drink your fill". Sometimes it is translated as “You did thirst for blood, and with blood I fill you”. The meaning is much the same. However, the latter seems to me to be an even darker way of saying it.
This is what GMT Games has to say about the game:
"Tuscany, 1259. As wealth from crafts and foreign trade elevated northern Italy's urban families above the landed lords, rivalries within and among their cities hardened into conflict between two great parties. Ghibellines aligned with the Hohenstaufen imperial dynasty that ostensibly ruled Italy, while Guelphs backed rival imperial claimants and the greatest challenger to each Emperor's authority, the Pope. Should any faction gain advantage, others coalesced to resist.
The comuni (republics) of Firenze (Florence) and Siena dominated inland Tuscany at the head of these competing alliances. As Guelphs sealed their control of the populous Firenze, Ghibelline Siena turned to Hohenstaufen King Manfredi of Sicily for reinforcement. Local rebellions and reprisals escalated on each side, as political exiles stirred the pot. After Manfredi dispatched German knights to protect his loyal Tuscans, Firenze mustered its people and allies to march on Siena, which responded with its own great army. Pisa and Lucca, Lombardia and Orvieto joined in. Guelph and Ghibelline in September 1260 at last faced off en masse in the center of Tuscany, at Montaperti—the result, a bloody Florentine defeat. But when Ghibelline exiles returned as masters of Firenze, its Guelphs rallied to Lucca and Arezzo, portending an eternal conflagration.
Inferno—the third volume in Volko Ruhnke's Levy & Campaign Series—fires up the cauldron 13th-Century Tuscan warfare, factional conflict fueled by the gold florins and teeming populations of up-and-coming cities and well-to-do valleys. Expert Italian wargame designer Enrico Acerbi brings the age to life within Volko's accessible medieval-operation system. Gathering transport and provender may not be as much the challenge here as the sudden treachery of rebel towns and castles along key roads. Italy's plundering berrovieri horsemen, famed elite crossbowmen, and distinctive palvesari shield bearers are just a few of the unique inhabitants of this volume. Muster, mount up, and find out whose blood will make the Arbia run red!"
The Game Setup |
This is a few hundred years before Machiavelli, but the Tuscan Lords and all of the personages that took part in this bit of history seem to know his tenets by heart. The two earlier games in Volko Ruhnke's Levy & Campaign games (Nevsky and Almoravid), did make the player have to worry about treachery. However, in this game it becomes almost a byword.
The Game Map |
This is what comes with the game:
One 17x22 inch Mounted Map
175 Wooden pieces
106 Playing Cards
Three full-color Countersheets
15 cardboard Lord and Battle mats
One Lords sticker sheet
Four Player Aid sheets
Two Screens
Rules Booklet
Background Booklet
Six 6-sided dice
Command Card Sample |
The components are as beautiful as any Euro game that I have seen. Which, of course, is exactly what the designers and artists were looking for. Let us take for example this next piece from the game. This will show you the artistry that went into the design of this game.
Front Picture From one of the Screens |
The map itself is on the small size. However, it is definitely bellissimo! I am not sure if wargames are male or female in Italian. From the illustrations that adorn it to the actual Middle Ages look of it, it oozes the work of an artisan. The map picture above makes it look much smaller and busier than it actually is. There is plenty of room on the map for things not to get congested. It has the Turn Record Track at the top of it. The wooden pieces are all copacetic as far as size goes. They also have smooth edges. They are on the small size and if your dexterity isn't what it once was it might be a bit of a problem. The Playing Cards are divided into four decks. Each side has a 'Command' and an 'Arts of War' deck. The Command Decks have a Lord or City name on the front side along with its associated coat of arms. In the Command Deck you will find both 'Pass' cards and 'Treachery' ones. The Art of War decks have a nice picture of a knight on the back. The front has the instructions for the use of the card along with some nice pieces of art around the sides of the card. The counters are very colorful and come in a few different sizes. The large rectangular ones are for the Lords or Cities. The most numerous counters are 5/8" in size and come pre-rounded. These come out of the sprues with ease. There are a number of 1/2" counters that need to be cut the old-fashioned way. If you have looked at either of the other Levy & Campaign games, then you know that they come with Lord & Battle Mats. These are hard 5" square mats to keep track of troops etc. I first saw these in Almoravid and have been a fan since then. The mats help keep track of each Lord and city thereby keeping clutter on the map down. Next up, we have the small round Lord stickers. These fit on top of the round wooden pieces. There are twenty-eight of them so, one for both sides of the Lord token. There are four Player Aid sheets. These are made of hard stock and are just as nice looking as the rest of the game components. One of the sheets shows the Guelph (boo hiss) Lords and Vassals while the other side has the Ghibelline Lords and Vassals (Yay!). The next sheet shows the Revolt against Guelphs and Ghibellines Tables. The obverse side has the Revolt & Treachery Summary. The next two sheets fold out to make four Player Aid cards, one for each player. On these are:
Battle & Storm
Sequence of Play
A Selection of Art of War Cards |
Assorted Command Cards |
We have already talked about the Screens. The Rules Booklet is thirty-two pages long. It is in full color and the pages are shiny like a magazine with thick pages. The rules are twenty-five pages long. The next pages have the setup for the game's six scenarios. Then comes a two-page index. Now we come to the Background Booklet. It is sixty-four pages long and has to be seen to be believed. This booklet is chock full of full-page examples of play. Reading the booklet will give you all of the necessary information you need to know. I also think that reading it should give you at least one credit toward a college course on Medieval Italy. It also goes through the information on every card in the game. The bibliography spans two pages. The only problem for me is that the books that are in English I have already read. The rest of the books are in Italian. Unfortunately, the only Italian that has stayed with me cannot be used in mixed company. Oh, and there are six die. They are three for each side; one set is in purple and the other gold.
Assorted Lord/City Maps |
This is the 'General Course of Play' per GMT Games:
"In Inferno, players take one of two enemy sides, Guelphs (purple)
or Ghibellines (yellow-orange, hereafter “gold”). The wealthy
city-state republic of Firenze leads an alliance of Guelph towns
aligned with the Pope. The Ghibellines comprise city-states Siena
and Pisa and allied landholders. Guelph expeditions from northern
and eastern Italy can join in, while Manfredi Hohenstaufen, King
of Sicily, sends German detachments to back the Ghibellines.
In turns covering 60 days each, Guelph and Ghibelline players
will levy lords and vassal forces, gather transport, and recruit specialists. Each lord’s forces and assets are laid out on a mat. Players then plan and command a 60-day campaign with their lords.
Cylinders on the map show the lords’ movements, as they seek to
take strongholds by siege, storm, or revolt and perhaps face each
other in battle. Markers on a calendar show how long each lord
will serve, varying by hunger, pay, political events, and success or
failure in their campaigns"
Ghibelline Lords and Vassals Player Aid |
I understand completely why the years 1259-1261 were chosen for the game. If I had my druthers, I would wish that it took place earlier during Frederick I Hohenstaufen's campaigns to put down the Guelphs in Northern Italy. Putting my own thoughts aside, we have a game that, just like its brethren, give a wargamer the chance to try and herd Jello or cats if you like. Playing either side gives you a good look, not just a glance, into how medieval campaigns were run. You must make a plan for each sixty-day turn. Then you may or may not see the plan completely destroyed before the other player even moves a piece. Your Lords and Vassals may decide to show up and be a part of your grand scheme. However, they might decide to leave you in the lurch or even worse, try to stick a nicely made Italian dagger in your back. Each turn will see you being taught another lesson from the school of hard knocks. After all, this is the arena where Machiavelli learned everything he wrote down. So, while you are herding your vassals toward your objective, and looking over your shoulder for the glint of steel, good luck. The immersion in the game is highly palpable. You might want to take a short course on impolite Italian and the correct way to bite your thumb at an opponent.
Logistics and supply are a large part of the game. It does you no good to have a group of knights ready to descend on your enemy, only to have them fall out of their saddles from starvation. This is where your planning each turn really shines. You must carefully amass enough supply and carts to assist your forces in their endeavors. Conversely, you can put a monkey wrench in your opponent's plans by stopping him from foraging and ravaging his lands.
My favorite scenarios are C and F. Scenario C has German Knights from Manfredi Hohenstauffen helping to stop some Guelph rebellions. Scenario F is the Campaign Game. There is also a nice learning scenario about the Battle of Montaperti. This was the largest battle of the time fought in1260. This is included to teach you how a battle works in the game.
Commands |
"I come to take you to the other shore, into eternal darkness, into heat and chill" (Inferno III 86-87)
Thank you, GMT Games for allowing me to review this bright new star in the firmament. All of the game components were designed for utility and also beauty. Even if the gameplay was sadly lacking, and it isn't, any player would be proud just to show off the game on his table. If you have played any of the Levy & Campaign games, then you will not find this game hard to play. Each of the Levy & Campaign games have to have some tweaks to reflect the different situation. However, gameplay is pretty similar across the board.
GMT Games:
Inferno: Guelphs and Ghibellines Vie for Tuscany 1259-1261: